

Iron+Steel is located in the United States.

Payment Information

We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and AMEX for payment. All prices are in US dollars. Your credit card company will calculate the exchange rate at the time of shipment. For your protection, we require that the billing telephone number and the billing address match the address that is on file with the credit card issuing bank.

Duties, Taxes and Other Fees

Duties, taxes and other fees are determined by the customs agency at the destination and are the responsibility of the recipient. These fees will be due at the time of delivery and are non-refundable. If the recipient fails to pay applicable duties and taxes, the package will be abandoned and Iron+Steel will not refund the abandoned order, including shipping charges and fees.


Please note: All international returns/exchanges must be sent back via Postal Service only. Customers are responsible for all shipping fees, duties and taxes.


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